What's New?
Commmunity Forum - Introducing our community forum, where you can connect with other users to learn, share ideas, and collaborate on all things Invoxy.
The community forum can be accessed through our guide at support.invoxy.com or found directly here. However, in order to engage with the community, you'll need to be signed in to our Guide via Invoxy. To do so, log into Invoxy as an admin and click Support > Guide.
Please ensure you read the Community Info & Rules before posting or commenting.
PowerBI Limiting & Filtering - To improve speed and service availability for companies using our PowerBI integration for custom reporting, there is now a maximum of 5000 rows returned in any queries. Filtering improvements have also been introduced to allow users to refine the data that is returned, to get the info needed where the default query would exceed 5000 rows.
Invoice Date Filtering - Invoice Date is now available as a Dynamic filter type on the Invoice Detail table in My Reports.
Logo Sizing - Added image scaling for companies with particularly large logos. This will ensure logos are appropriately sized on invoices, emails and login screens.
General Improvements - General tweaks and performance improvements under the hood.
JobAdder Integration - Updated Invoxy to send fewer requests to JobAdder, to avoid hitting their newly introduced rate limiting requirements. This should ensure that large syncs perform as expected.
Xero Payroll Integration - Corrected an issue preventing the Xero Payroll integration from finding matching employees when syncing new People in Invoxy.
PDF Expense Attachments - Receipts attached to expenses in PDF format will now be sent as PDF attachments to invoices, rather than sending as JPEG attachments.
Week Summary Hours - Updated the expected hours on the Week Summary to display as hh:mm rather than decimal, to match all other hours figures displayed in the timesheets.
Reference & PO Number Length - Updated these placement fields to correctly prevent a Reference or PO Number exceeding the maximum length from being entered, rather than displaying an error after an attempt to save the placement.
Invoice Template Name Length - Updated the Invoice Template name field to prevent users from exceeding the maximum character length.
Tax Types - Prevented Xero tax types showing in the dropdown list on Work for non-Xero connected companies.
Invoice Attachment Icon - Fixed an issue causing the attachment icon to temporarily appear beside all invoices when sending/deleting invoices.
Deleting Commission Plans - Deleting a commission plan will now correctly return to the Commission Plans tab when complete.
Approver Scheduled Reminders - Fixed an issue with scheduled reminders to approvers showing all recipients as CCs (patched 04/11/2021)
Messages - Updated the Messages tab to handle messages with long recipient lists (patched 03/11/2021)
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