In cases where too many hours, days, or units have been recorded and approved, paid, and/or invoiced for a timesheet, Administrators can apply a time credit to correct the timesheet.
Adding Time Credits
To add a time credit, navigate to the Week Summary and click into the candidate you wish to credit time for. From the options button in the top right, select 'Add Credit'.
In the pop up that appears, you can select the appropriate details.
Once the credit is saved it will be automatically approved, although it can still be edited by an administrator until it is paid or billed - see below for more detail.
The amended total hours for the day will be visible from the Work Summary at the bottom of the candidate timesheet:
On the Week Summary tab:
And on the Timesheets tab:
Editing or Deleting Time Credits
If you need to make any adjustments to the credit before it is paid or invoiced, you can do so by navigating to the Work Summary and clicking the down arrow on the day the credit has been applied to.
In the list of time entries for the day, click the credit to view and edit or delete the credit.
The credit will only be able to be edited or deleted until it has been paid or invoiced in Karmly (as outlined below). If a pay and/or invoice including the credit was created but has since been deleted, you'll just need to delete the approval from Time > Approval Requests > Complete to be able to edit or delete the credit once again.
You can find more information on deleting approvals here: Deleting Approval Requests
Time Credits & Payroll
Once a credit has been entered into the timesheet it will be included in any pays processed for the period covering the credit, just like any other time entry. You'll be able to see the credit separated from the rest of the timesheets on the Pay Summary screen:
If the period covering the credit hasn't been paid yet, this means the total amount paid to the candidate for the period will simply be reduced by the credit:
If the candidate has already been paid for all other time in the pay period, you can create a custom or one off pay for the period to process the negative hours. You can then simply use the 'Mark As Sent' option to complete the processing in Karmly, and manually deduct the hours from the candidate's next pay within your payroll system.
Alternatively, for New Zealand companies using our PayHero Payroll Integration, you can send time credits to PayHero from Karmly and learn more about processing time credits in payroll here: PayHero Time Credits
Invoicing Time Credits
Once a credit has been entered into the timesheet it will be included in any invoices processed for the period covering the credit, just like any other time entry. You'll be able to see the credit separated from the rest of the timesheets on the Client Summary screen:
If the period covering the credit hasn't been invoiced yet, this means the total amount invoiced to the client for the period will be reduced by the credit:
If the client has already been invoiced for all other time in the period, you may wish to issue a credit note for the time instead. You can do so by Creating an Invoice using the standard Invoice Template that you use for timesheets, then once the draft invoice is created, modify the text in the invoice header to note that it's a credit rather than an invoice.
Alternatively, if you find you need to issue credits often you may prefer to create a separate invoice template specifically designed for time credits.
Depending on how negative invoices and/or credits are handled in your accounting system, you may wish to use the 'Mark As Sent' option to complete the processing in Karmly, and manually create the corresponding credit in your accounting system.
Whether you choose to send the credit to your clients from Karmly or your accounting system is up to you.
Time Credit FAQ
What rate will the credit be applied at?
It's important to select the right date, placement and work when entering a credit, as this will determine the rates. Karmly will use these details to identify a time entry falling on the same date for the same placement/work, and will use the pay and bill rates from that time entry as the applicable rates for the credit.
Can I use time credits to correct rates or placement fees?
Time credits should only be used for adjusting the total hours or quantities entered into the timesheets.
If an incorrect rate has been applied for a timesheet, you can correct that using the Update Timesheet Rates option instead.
Alternatively, to credit placement fees see our article on Credit Notes.
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