Pay and bill rates are saved to each individual time entry when the entry is saved. This means that when you update rates on your Placements or Work all time entries that are created or edited from that moment on will have the new rates applied.
If the candidate has already begun recording time entries that should be updated to the new rates, you'll need to ensure that the new rates are applied to any existing time entries.
You can do so using the Update Timesheet Rates function.
How does it work?
Before using the Update Timesheet Rates function it's important to understand exactly how it will affect your time entry rates:
- Using the Update Timesheet Rates function will cause a recalculation of pay and bill rates on existing time entries that meet the following criteria:
- Are on or after the specified date
- Are unpaid and unbilled
The recalculation of rates will be based on all Placement and Work settings at that point in time.
- Rate updates will apply to all approved or pending time entries.
- Rate updates will not apply to any paid or billed time entries. This includes time entries that are included in a Draft pay or invoice run at the time you apply the update.
- All time entries that are added or edited after you update rates will have the new rates applied, no matter what date they're for.
- It's important to note that the Update Timesheet Rates function can't be used to apply an effective date - it will only update existing time entries.
Update Placement Rates
If you've updated the rates on a placement and need to apply those rates to existing time entries, select Update Timesheet Rates from the menu option in the top right of the placement.
Karmly will provide a pop-up confirming the current rates that will be used in the rate recalculations, and you can select the date from which any existing time entries should be updated.
Click Update to apply the new rates.
Update Work Rates
If you've updated the rates or any of the overtime, allowance, deduction, or on-cost settings on Work and need to apply those new settings to existing time entries, select Update Timesheet Rates from the menu option in the top right of the Work.
Karmly will provide a pop-up confirming the current rates that will be used in the rate recalculations, and you can select the date from which any existing time entries should be updated.
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