If you have time entries that won't pull into an invoice there are a number of possible causes, which you can troubleshoot using the steps below.
Not Approved
If you have the Time Requires Approval setting checked under Manage > Settings then time will need to be Approved before it can be paid or invoiced.
On the Client Summary under Invoices you'll be able to see the total unapproved hours for the period for each client.
Recently Approved
If the time is showing as Approved in the Client Summary it can also be worth checking that the time wasn't simply approved after you tried to create the invoice. Under Time > Approval Requests > Complete find the approval, click View Request Details, and check the time stamp - if it was approved after you created the invoice then that will be why the invoice couldn't generate. If you try creating the invoice now it should process as per usual.
Already Invoiced
Time can only be invoiced if it isn't already included in another invoice. Check that the client hasn't already been invoiced for the time under Invoices > Sent and that there isn't a draft invoice waiting to be sent under Invoices > Draft.
Invoices Still Processing
When generating a batch of invoices it can take a couple of seconds for each invoice to generate, so especially larger batches may require a small wait. If you navigate to the Draft tab particularly quickly after kicking off an invoice batch you may not see any invoices created yet, or only the first few may have had time to generate - you can select 'Refresh Invoices' from the options button to load any new invoices that have been created.
No Billing Rate
If the Billing Rate on the placement is set to $0 then the time will not be invoiced, as there is no value to invoice the client for.
Similarly, if the Work the time is recorded against has a Bill Rate Modifier of x0 or $0 then there is no rate to bill.
It's important to note that rates are applied to time entries at the time they're created (very important for when rate changes go into effect), so if the Billing Rate on the placement or work was 0 at the time the entries were recorded then simply updating the Billing Rate won't update the rates on any existing time entries.
To update the time entry rate, you would need to use the Update Timesheet Rates function after you've corrected the rate.
Incorrect Invoice Template
Under Manage > Clients you're able to set the default Invoice Template for each client.
Under Manage > Templates > Invoice Templates, check that the Invoice Template selected for that client contains a Timesheet line - without a Timesheet line, invoices aren't able to generate for recorded time entries.
Alternatively, if the client's default Invoice Template doesn't contain a Timesheet line and you wish to leave it that way for most of their invoices, then when you create the Invoice Batch you can manually select which template you'd like to use:
If you're uncertain of the rate certain time entries have been recorded at, or you want to check the Invoiced status of a large number of time entries at once, you can use an Insights Report with the following settings to check time entries:
On the Filters tab, you should also filter to the date range and/or resource you're interested in.
The Invoiced column indicates whether time has been included in a Sent invoice or not, and the Billable Total column shows the value of the time, indicating whether it has been recorded with a bill rate or not.
If you're unable to identify why your time isn't invoicing please contact the team at support@karmly.com and provide any details you found in the above steps so that we can help you look into it.
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