When setting up Work in Karmly you're able to select what type of Units that work is for. The options available are:
Hours | Days - This is the default setting for new work and will set the units as either Hours or Days, depending on the units selected on the placement.
$ Expense | Fee - Select this option if you'd like candidates to record a dollar amount for reimbursement, or for Work which will be used for Permanent, Service Fee, and Credit Note placement types.
Other - Select this option and set a name for the unit type (e.g. Kilometers).
When the Units are set to Expense or Other, the Overtime & Allowances tab and On-Costs tab will be removed, and the options available on the work will change.
Expenses & Fees
When setting up Expense units you'll have the option to specify a multiplier for the Pay Rate and Bill Rate. For expenses that are to be paid and billed as they are entered (e.g. the candidate enters $100, is paid $100 +/- payroll and sales tax, and the client is billed $100 plus tax), these can be left as x1. Note that rate multipliers won't be applied to Permanent, Service Fee, or Credit Notes.
If the expense is only payable, or only billable, the multiplier can be set to x0 to prevent the expense being paid or billed (e.g. a Bill Rate of x0 would result in the expense being payable to the candidate, but not billed to the client).
Sales Tax on client and contractor invoices will be applied to expenses based on the Tax Rate set on the Work. If the expense is being recorded as a Sales Tax inclusive amount in the timesheets, but needs to be paid or billed as Sales Tax Exclusive, multipliers can be used to reduce the payable or billable amount that is invoiced.
Other units can be used for payments and reimbursements which have a flat rate per unit - e.g. per km, per box, or per meal. When setting up other units you'll first need to set a name for the unit. In this example, the units have been set to Meals.
You can then set the Pay Rate and Bill Rate per unit.
Sales Tax on client and contractor invoices will be applied to Other type work based on the Tax Rate set on the Work.
For resources with Withholding Tax rates, Withholding Tax will not be applied to Other type work. If the Other type work you're setting up should have Withholding Tax deducted, please contact support@karmly.com.
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