This article provides a glossary of each of the tables and fields that are available in the My Reports area of Karmly. For more information on how to create and manage reports, see our article: My Reports
When building reports in Karmly, you'll need to select a Table. The table specifies what area of Karmly the data in your report will be coming from, and determines which columns you'll be able to add to your report.
The tables available are detailed below - click to expand a section for a full glossary of which columns you can use in each table.
The columns available in the Audit Log table are:
Record Type - What type of record the change was made on (Client, People, Placement, Work).
Record Name - The name of the record that was changed (e.g. the Client Name).
Field Name - The name of the field that was changed.
Audit Date - The date the change was made.
Old Value - What the value of the field was before the change was made.
New Value - What the value of the field was after the change was made.
Report on the details of Clients that are setup in your Karmly account, as well as any outstanding unapproved or un-invoiced charges for those clients.
The columns available in the Client table are:
Client Name - The name of the client.
Address - The address of the client.
Billing Email - The billing email address specified on the client.
Billing Name - The billing name specified on the client.
Payment Rule - The payment rule selected on the client, if applicable.
Payment Days - The number of days specified for the selected payment rule, if applicable.
Last Invoice Date - The invoice date of the most recent invoice generated for the client.
Invoice Template - The default invoice template selected on the client.
Onboard Template - The onboarding template selected on the client, if applicable.
Earliest Unbilled Time - The date of the earliest unbilled time entry for the client.
Latest Unbilled Time - The date of the latest unbilled time entry for the client.
Created At - The date the client record was created in Karmly.
Resource Count - The total number of candidates who have been placed for the client in Karmly.
Placement Count - The total number of placements that have been placed for the client in Karmly.
Approved Hours - The total duration of approved hours that haven't yet been billed.
Unapproved Hours - The total duration of hours that haven't yet been approved.
Approved Days - The number of approved days that haven't yet been billed.
Unapproved Days - The number of days that haven't yet been approved.
Billable Time Total - The billable value of unbilled hours and days that aren't yet approved.
Approved Time Total - The billable value of unbilled hours and days that are approved.
Permanent Total - The billable value of permanent placements that have not yet been billed.
The Consultant Margin table allows you to produce a report of margin generated by each consultant, based on the time entries that have been recorded. The Consultant field must be added to reports from the Consultant Margin table in order for the report data to be accurate.
The columns available in the Consultant Margin table are:
Client Name - The name of the client associated with the time.
Billing Name - The Billing Name of the client associated with the time.
Resource Name - The name of the candidate associated with the time.
Consultant - The name of the consultant.
Sales Group - Which Sales Group the consultant belongs to.
Work - The Work the time was recorded against.
Placement Start Date - The Start Date of the placement.
Placement End Date - The End Date of the placement.
Placement Reference - The Reference from the placement.
Placement Name - The Name of the placement the time was recorded against.
Invoice Date - The Invoice Date of the invoice the time is included in (will be blank if the time hasn't been invoiced yet)
Due Date - The Due Date of the invoice the time is included in (will be blank if the time hasn't been invoiced yet)
Invoice Number - The Invoice Number of the invoice the time is included in (will be blank if the time hasn't been invoiced yet)
Time Date - DD/MM/YYYY - the date the time is recorded on.
Unit Type - Days/Hours/etc - the type of units of the entry.
Time Month - The month the time falls in.
Time Month Number - The number of the month the time falls in (e.g. 6 for June)
Time Week Number - The number of the week the time falls in.
Time Year Month - YYYY-MM - the year and month the time falls in.
Time Year - The year the time falls in.
Duration - The total duration of any hours, after any breaks are deducted.
Units - The total number of any days/units.
Labour Cost - The total base labour cost for the time (pay rate x duration or units).
Pay Rate - The pay rate for the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Billable Total - The total billable value of the time (billing rate x duration or units + any billable on costs or on charges).
Billing Rate - The billing rate for the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Margin - The margin is calculated from the Billable Total less the total Labour Cost.
Oncost Rate - The on cost rate per unit, calculated by the Pay Rate multiplied by the on cost % that's been set on the Work associated with the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Oncost - The total value of on costs for the time, calculated from the Labour Cost multiplied by the on cost % set on the Work the time is recorded against.
Net Billing Rate - The Billing Rate less the Oncost Rate, provided the on cost is not billable (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Net Billed - The net amount (Billable Total less Oncosts) that has been invoiced.
Net Direct Revenue - Net revenue (Billable Total less the total Labour Cost less Oncosts).
Consultant Percentage - The Ownership Percentage for the consultant (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Consultant Direct Revenue - The direct revenue attributable to the consultant (their Ownership Percentage multiplied by the Net Direct Revenue).
Consultant Billable - The direct billable total attributable to the consultant (their Ownership Percentage multiplied by the Billable Total).
Consultant Labour Cost - The direct cost attributable to the consultant (their Ownership Percentage multiplied by the Labour Cost).
Consultant OnCost - The on-cost amount attributable to the consultant (their Ownership Percentage multiplied by the On-Cost).
Consultant Duration - The total hours attributable to the consultant (their Ownership Percentage multiplied by the Duration).
Consultant Units - The total days/units attributable the consultant (their Ownership Percentage multiplied by the Units).
Consultant Margin - The amount of margin attributable to the consultant (their Ownership Percentage multiplied by the Margin).
Description - The description on the line of the invoice.
Tax Type - The Tax Type for the line of the invoice (e.g. GST 15%, Tax Exempt)
Account Code - The Account Code specified for the line of the invoice (from the Work the time was recorded against).
Line Type - What type of line it is (e.g. Timesheet lines, placement fees)
Invoice Number - The Invoice Number.
Client - The Client the invoice is for.
Created Date - The date the invoice was created.
From Date - The date the invoice runs from.
To Date - The date the invoice runs to.
Due Date - The due date of the invoice.
Posted Date - The date the invoice was Sent or Marked as Sent.
Posted - Whether the invoice has been Sent or Marked as Sent (True/False).
Invoice Date - The Invoice Date.
Invoice Day - The day of the week the Invoice Date falls on.
Invoice Week - The week number of the week the Invoice Date falls in.
Invoice Month - The month the Invoice Date falls in.
Invoice Year - The year the Invoice Date falls in.
Quantity - The quantity on the invoice line.
Rate - The rate on the invoice line.
Gross Amount - The gross total of the invoice line.
Tax Amount - The tax total generated by the invoice line.
Net Amount - The net (gross amount plus tax amount) total for the invoice line.
The Margin table allows you to produce a report of margin generated for your company, based on the time that's been recorded.
The columns available in the Margin table are:
Client Name - The name of the client associated with the time.
Client Billing Recipient - The Billing Recipient Name of the client associated with the time.
Resource Name - The name of the candidate associated with the time.
Work - The Work the time was recorded against.
Placement Start Date - The Start Date of the placement.
Placement End Date - The End Date of the placement.
Placement Reference - The Reference from the placement.
Placement Name - The Name of the placement.
Invoice Date - The Invoice Date of the invoice the time is included in (will be blank if the time hasn't been invoiced yet)
Due Date - The Due Date of the invoice the time is included in (will be blank if the time hasn't been invoiced yet)
Invoice Number - The Invoice Number of the invoice the time is included in (will be blank if the time hasn't been invoiced yet)
Time Date - The date of the time entry.
Unit Type - Days/Hours - the type of units of the entry.
Time Month - The month the time falls in.
Time Month Number - The number of the month the time falls in (e.g. 6 for June)
Time Week Number - The number of the week the time falls in.
Time Year Month - YYYY-MM - The year and month the time falls in.
Time Year - The year the time falls in.
Duration - The total duration of any hours recorded.
Units - The total number of days/units recorded.
Labour Cost - The total labour cost for the time (pay rate x duration or units).
Pay Rate - The pay rate for the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Billable Total - The total billable value of the time (billing rate x duration or units + any billable on costs or on charges).
Billing Rate - The billing rate for the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Gross Margin - The margin is calculated from the Billable Total less the total Labour Cost.
Oncost Rate - The on cost rate per unit, calculated by the Pay Rate multiplied by the on cost % that's been set on the Work associated with the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Oncost - The total value of on costs for the time, calculated from the Labour Cost multiplied by the on cost % set on the Work the time is recorded against.
Net Billing Rate - The Billing Rate less the Oncost Rate, provided the on cost is not billable (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Net Billed - The net amount (Billable Total less the total Labour Cost less Oncosts) that has been invoiced.
Net Direct Revenue - The revenue remaining after any non-billable Oncosts are deducted from the Margin.
Report on the details of any notifications for your Karmly account. Recent notifications can be found on the Placements Dashboard, but this report allows you to find historical notifications as needed.
The columns available in the Notifications table are:
Notification Type - The type of notification.
Description - The description/details of the notification.
Notification Date - The date of the notification
Notification Time - The time of the notification.
Report on the details of any on-costs associated with time recorded. On-costs are set on Work.
The columns available in the On Cost table are:
Account Code - The account code set on the on-cost, if applicable.
Client Name - The name of the client.
Date - The date of the time entry.
Description - The description/name of the on-cost.
Invoice Number - The invoice number, if the time has been invoiced.
Labels - The labels from the placement.
On Cost Rate - The percentage rate set on the on-cost.
Placement Name - The name of the placement.
Placement Type - The type of placement (e.g. contractor or labour hire).
PO Number - The PO Number set on the placement.
Reference - The Reference set on the placement.
Resource Name - The name of the resource the time is for.
Unit - Whether the units are days/hours/etc.
Work - The Work the time has been recorded against.
Work Display Name - The Display Name of the Work the time has been recorded against.
Billable Total - The total billable value of the time (including any billable on-costs).
Duration - The duration of hours recorded.
Labour Cost - The total labour cost of the time (including any on-costs).
On Cost - The value of the on-cost.
Units - The number of days/units recorded.
The columns available in the Pay Detail table are:
Pay Date - The Pay Date of the pay.
Pay Day - The day of the week of the pay.
Pay Week - The week number the Pay Date falls in.
Pay Month - The month the Pay Date falls in.
Pay Year - The year the Pay Date falls in.
From Date - The date the pay period starts from.
To Date - The date the pay period goes to.
Sent to Payroll - Whether the pay has been sent or marked as sent.
Description - The description on the pay line.
Placement Name - The name of the placement related to the pay line.
Placement Type - The Placement Type of the placement related to the pay line.
Labels - The labels from the Placement related to the pay line.
Work Name - The name of the Work related to the pay line.
Work Display Name - The Display Name of the Work the time has been recorded against.
Account Code - The account code specified for the pay line (from the Work settings).
Pay Rate Multiplier - The multiplier applied to the pay rate of the pay line (from the Work settings).
Display Name - The display name of the candidate.
First Name - The first name of the candidate.
Last Name - The last name of the candidate.
Email Address - The email address of the candidate.
Bank Account - The bank account number of the candidate.
Tax Number - The tax number of the candidate.
Company Number - The business tax number of the candidate.
Quantity - The quantity of hours/units on the pay line.
Rate - The rate per unit on the pay line (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Net Amount - The net total of the pay line (Quantity x Rate).
The columns available in the Placement table are:
Placement Name - The name of the placement.
Placement Type - The placement type of the placement (e.g. Contract, Permanent, Labour Hire).
Client Name - The name of the client the placement is for.
Start Date - The start date of the placement (not applicable to Permanent type placements).
End Date - The end date of the placement (not applicable to Permanent type placements).
Reference - The reference on the placement.
Purchase Order Number - The PO Number on the placement.
Created Date - The date the placement was created.
Labels - The labels on the placement.
Rate Units - The type of units for the placement - hours or days.
Placement Date - The placement date for Permanent type placements.
Billing Name - The placement billing name for the placement.
Billing Rate - The billing rate specified on the placement.
Duration - How long the placement has been running for in days - i.e. today's date minus the start date of the placement.
The Placement Team table allows you to produce a report of the teams (consultants, resources, and contacts) on each of your placements.
The columns available in the Placement Team table are:
Placement Name - The name of the placement.
Placement Type - The placement type of the placement (e.g. Contract, Permanent, Labour Hire).
Client Name - The name of the client the placement is for.
Start Date - The start date of the placement (not applicable to Permanent type placements).
End Date - The end date of the placement (not applicable to Permanent type placements).
Reference - The reference on the placement.
Created Date - The date the placement was created.
Labels - The labels on the placement.
Rate Units - The type of units for the placement - hours or days.
Placement Date - The placement date for Permanent type placements.
Billing Name - The placement billing name for the placement.
Name - The display name of the team member.
Email Address - The email address of the team member.
Resource - True/False - whether the team member is a Resource.
Client Contact - True/False - whether the team member is a Contact.
Consultant - True/False - whether the team member is a Consultant.
Billing Recipient - True/False - whether the team member is a Billing Recipient (applies to Contacts only).
Approver - True/False - whether the team member is an Approver.
Sales Group - All/Account Manager/Recruiter - which Sales Group the team member belongs to (applies to Consultants only).
Billing Rate - The Billing Rate set on the placement.
Duration - How long the placement has been running for in days - i.e. today's date minus the start date of the placement.
Pay Rate - The pay rate of the team member (applies to Resources only).
Consultant Percentage - The Ownership Percentage of the team member (applies to Consultants only).
This table is only applicable for companies on the Employees subscription plan. Provides a list of all users who counted towards your subscription fees for each period. As well as adding columns to the report you will need to use a Filter to select which Subscription Month and Subscription Year you wish to report on.
The columns available in the Subscription Users table are:
Display Name - The display name of the user.
First Name - The first name of the user.
Last Name - The last name of the user.
Email Address - The email address of the user.
Office Phone Number - The office phone number of the user.
Mobile Phone Number - The mobile number of the user.
Date of Birth - The DOB of the user (applies to Resources and Consultants only).
Bank Account Number - The bank account number of the user (applies to Resources and Consultants only).
Tax Number - The tax number of the user (applies to Resources and Consultants only).
Withholding Tax Rate - The Withholding Tax rate of the user (applies to resources only).
Business - True/False - whether the Business flag is ticked on the user (applies to Resources only).
Trading Name - The trading name set on the user (applies to Resources only).
Subscription Month - The subscription month you're reporting on. Note: invoices are generated on the first of the month for the previous month, so filtering to the January subscription month will show users who will be charged for January in your 1st February invoice.
Subscription Year - The subscription year you're reporting on.
The columns available in the Time table are:
Placement - The name of the placement the time is for.
Work - The name of the Work the time is recorded against.
Work Display Name - The Display Name of the Work the time has been recorded against.
Client - The name of the client associated with the time (the client is set on the placement the time is recorded against).
Resource - The name of the candidate the time is for.
Unit - Hours/Days/etc - the type of unit recorded.
Labels - The labels from the placement associated with the time.
Date - DD/MM/YYYY - the date the time is recorded on.
Day - The day of the week the time is recorded on.
Week - The number of the week the time is recorded in.
Month - The month the time is recorded in.
Year - The year the time is recorded in.
Approved - True/False - whether the time is approved.
Pending Approval - True/False - whether the time is pending approval (i.e. approval has been requested but not yet approved).
Unapproved - True/False - whether the time has no approval associated with it (neither pending nor approved).
Paid - True/False - whether the time has been paid (the pay must be Sent for the time to be considered paid).
Invoiced - True/False - whether the time has been invoiced (the invoice must be Sent for the time to be considered invoiced).
Placement Reference - The reference from the placement.
Invoice Number - The invoice number, if the time has been invoiced.
Invoice Date - The invoice date, if the time has been invoiced.
Pay Date - The pay date, if the time has been paid.
Has Note - True/False - whether the time has a note on it.
Duration - The total duration of any hours. If a break is recorded the Duration is the time after the break duration is deducted.
Units - The total number of any days/units.
Break Duration - The total break duration of the time (for hours only).
Billing Rate - The billing rate for the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Resource Rate - The pay rate for the time (ensure you set the function to AVG instead of SUM).
Labour Cost - The total labour cost for the time (pay rate x duration or units).
Billable Total - The total billable value of the time (billing rate x duration or units + any billable on costs).
Net Margin - The billable total less the labour cost less any on costs.
On Cost - The total on cost value of the time, calculated from the labour cost multiplied by the on cost % set on the Work the time is recorded against.
Report on the details of People setup in your Karmly account.
The columns available in the Users table are:
Display Name - The display name of the user.
First Name - The first name of the user.
Last Name - The last name of the user.
Email Address - The email address of the user.
Owner - True/False - whether the user is the owner of the Karmly account.
Administrator - True/False - whether the user is an Administrator.
Consultant - True/False - whether the user is a Consultant.
Resource - True/False - whether the user is a Resource.
Client Contact - True/False - whether the user is a Contact.
Approver - True/False - whether the user is an Approver.
Billing Recipient - True/False - whether the user is a Billing Recipient (applies to Contacts only).
Time Manager - True/False - whether the user is a Time Manager (applies to Consultants only).
Office Phone Number - The office phone number of the user.
Mobile Phone Number - The mobile number of the user.
Date of Birth - The DOB of the user (applies to Resources and Consultants only).
Address - The address of the user (applies to Resources and Consultants only).
Bank Account Number - The bank account number of the user (applies to Resources and Consultants only).
Tax Number - The tax number of the user (applies to Resources and Consultants only).
Withholding Tax Rate - The Withholding Tax rate of the user (applies to resources only).
Business - True/False - whether the Business flag is ticked on the user (applies to Resources only).
Business Tax Number - The Business Tax Number of the user (applies to Resources only).
Trading Name - The trading name set on the user (applies to Resources only).
Salary - The salary set on the user (applies to Consultants only).
Sales Target - The sales target set on the user (applies to Consultants only).
Has Incomplete Onboarding - True/False - Whether the user has an Onboarding Template assigned to them which they haven't yet completed.
Has Onboarding Pending Approval - True/False - Whether the user has submitted Onboarding which is now awaiting administrator approval.
Has User Changes Pending Approval - True/False - Whether the candidate has submitted changes to their Personal Details which are awaiting Administrator Approval.
Created At - The date the user was created.
Last Updated At - The date the user was last updated.
Deleted - True/False - whether the user record has been deleted. Apply a filter for Deleted = False if your report should only contain non-deleted users.
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