Invoice Templates manage the content and appearance of invoices you generate in Karmly to send to your clients. Each Client can have a specific template set on their record, so you can manage invoice preferences on a client-by-client basis.
To create, edit or copy an invoice template go to Manage > Templates > Invoice Templates.
Select Add Invoice Template to create a new template from scratch or select 'Edit' from the list of existing templates to edit or copy that template.
To copy an existing template, select the Copy Template option from the menu button at the top right of that template.
Sample Templates
All new Karmly accounts include four sample templates to help you get started. You can edit these templates to suit, or copy them to form the basis of your own templates.
You can learn more about each of the sample templates by clicking into the relevant section here:
The Sample Blank Template is a template which contains only a 'Fixed Charge' line type, so can be used to generate a blank invoice for a client, so that you can then manually add invoice lines for any manual charges you wish to bill your client for.
This would most commonly be used for creating one-off invoices which don't related to any timesheets, placements, or service fees, which is generally fairly rare in Karmly.
You can learn more about creating these types of invoices in the 'How can I create a one-off invoice?' section of this article: Invoices - Commonly Asked QuestionsThe Sample Permanent Placement Template contains a Placement Fees line type, so can be used for invoicing Permanent, Service Fee, and Credit Placement Types.
Because the 'Resource Name' placeholder is included in the invoice header, this template will create one invoice per candidate.
The Sample Time Template - Invoice Per Client template contains a Timesheet Lines line type, so can be used for invoicing any details submitted via timesheets in Karmly.
This template is designed to produce only one invoice per client.
Because the line description contains the Placement Billing Name, Resource Name, and Work Display Name placeholders, this template will produce invoices with one line per combination of placement name, resource name, and work name.
The Sample Time Template - Invoice per Resource template contains a Timesheet Lines line type, so can be used for invoicing any details submitted via timesheets in Karmly.
This template is designed to produce one invoice candidate for each client, due to the 'Resource Name' placeholder being included in the invoice header.
Because the line description contains the Placement Billing Name and Work Display Name placeholders, this template will produce invoices with one line per combination of placement name and work name.
Template Sections
Invoices are made up of four sections; the page header, invoice header, invoice lines, and invoice footer.
Each section can be modified to suit your invoicing requirements, and placeholders can be used to populate invoices with data from throughout Karmly. Some placeholders are only valid to add to specific sections of the invoice, and others will have unique behaviours if they're added to certain sections - for example, Placement Reference or Placement PO Number will flow through to Xero if included in the Invoice Header section.
See the end of this article for the details of available placeholders and how they behave.
Invoice Lines
The line types you add to an invoice will determine what types of charges are pulled into the invoice. For example, an invoice template must have a Timesheet Lines line type added in order to charge time and expenses from the timesheets, or must have Placement Fees in order to charge Permanent, Service Fee or Credit Note placements.
The line types available are:
Subtotal Group - Subtotal groups allow you to group data by filters or line types, and will automatically generate a subtotal of any invoice lines that are included within the subtotal group.
Fixed Charge - A fixed charge line allows you to specify a fixed dollar amount to charge on the invoice. This might be used for a $5 per invoice fixed-rate admin fee, for example.
Timesheet Lines - If a timesheet line is included in the invoice, any approved timesheets for the invoice period will be brought through to the invoice.
Placement Fees - If a placement fees line is included in the invoice, any permanent, service fee, or credit placements with a Placement Date in the invoice period will be brought through to the invoice.
Percentage Fee - A percentage fee line allows you to specify a percentage fee that should be applied to the invoice (or to the group, if this is included in a Subtotal Group). This might be used for a percentage rate admin fee, for example.
Text Line - A text line provides a free-text line with no associated charges, useful for if you wish to include a written message in the body of your invoices. Depending on the context, messages may be better added to the Header or Footer of the templates.
Splitting Invoices & Invoice Lines
When you create a batch of invoices, the settings on your invoice templates will determine how the invoices are produced. Karmly will produce one invoice for each unique combination of values it finds in the Invoice Header, so for example if you want to produce one invoice per candidate you would include the Resource Name placeholder somewhere in the header, as seen in our 'Sample Time Template - Invoice Per Resource'. Here's an example of what that setup might look like:
Similarly, Karmly will create one invoice line for each unique combination of details it finds in the line narration. So if you're creating a single invoice per client, and there are multiple placements/resources on each invoice then you would include the Placement Billing Name and Resource Name placeholders in the line narration so that one line is produced per placement/resource. Here's an example of how that might be setup:
Attach Timesheets and Approvals to the Invoice
At the bottom of the invoice template, you can tick 'Attach timesheet entries & approvals to this Invoice' if you wish to attach time and approval audits to the PDF invoice sent to the client.
Invoice Templates with this setting turned on will display a paperclip icon in the list of templates, as seen here:
You can learn more about time and approval attachments here: Attach Timesheets and Approvals to Invoices
Assign a Template to a Client
To set an invoice template on a Client, select the Invoice template you wish to use from the Invoice Template drop-down list when adding or editing a Client under Manage > Clients. This is just the default template for that client, and other templates can still be used instead when creating invoices as needed.
Invoice Placeholders
When you click into a section of the invoice template the edit bar will appear above the selected section, allowing you to apply text and layout formatting or insert placeholders. Placeholders will dynamically pick up the appropriate information from throughout Karmly.
To insert a placeholder click the Placeholders button, scroll through the available list, and click the placeholder you wish to insert.
The placeholder will be inserted wherever your cursor is currently placed, and will take on any formatting currently applied to the text at the time you add it. If you wish to change the formatting on a placeholder you'll need to delete the placeholder, apply the text formatting you wish to use, then re-add the placeholder.
Placeholders available to be added to your invoice templates are detailed below - click on a button to learn more about the placeholders available, how they work, and what they'll look like on your invoices.
Approver placeholders will pick up details for the user who approved the timesheet. Approver placeholders can't be used on the invoice lines, only in the header and footer of the invoice template.
Including an approver placeholder in the invoice header or footer will mean the client will receive separate invoices per approver.
The available approver placeholders are:
Approver Name - The Display Name of the user who approved the time. If multiple users approved the timesheet, only the first result (alphabetically) will be returned.
Approver Email - The Email Address of the user who approved the time. If multiple users approved the timesheet, only the first result (alphabetically) will be returned.
Approver placeholders might be included in your invoice template as seen here:
Which would result in an invoice which looks like this:
Client placeholders will pick up details for the client the invoice is for. The available client placeholders are:
Client Address - The address from the client record. Any commas included in the address won't be displayed on the invoice, and will instead start a new address line. For example '1 Main Street, Auckland' would appear on the invoice as
1 Main Street
Client Billing Email - The Billing Email Address listed on the client record. This email will also be an Invoice Recipient.
Client Billing Name - The Client Billing Name listed on the client record. This might be used if the Client Name used throughout Karmly differs from the client's legal name that you wish to display on the invoice.
Client Billing Recipient Name - The Billing Recipient Name used on the client record. This can be used as an 'attention to' if the client has only one person who receives their invoices. Alternatively, see the Placement Billing Contact placeholder in the 'Placement' placeholders below if your clients have different billing recipients for different placements.
Client Name - The Client Name from the client record.
These client details are all drawn from fields which can be set on the Client record under Manage > Clients. An example of how they might be used in an invoice template can be seen here:
Which would look like this when the invoice is created:
Company placeholders are your own company details, which can be set under Manage > Settings. These placeholders can't be used on the invoice lines, only in the page header, invoice header and footer of the invoice template.
Company Address
Company Contact Name
Company Domain - This will just insert the first part of your domain - for example, if your domain is it will insert 'companyname'
Company Logo
Company Name
Company Tax Number
An example of how some of these placeholders might be used can be seen here:
Which would result in the following invoice appearance:
Invoice placeholders are all based on the invoice itself, and will be set when you create the invoice batch. These placeholders can't be used on the invoice lines, only in the page header, invoice header and footer of the invoice template.
Invoice Date
Invoice Due Date - The Due Date can be set on the invoice batch itself, or via Payment Terms on the client. Where set, the client payment terms will take precedence.
Invoice From Date - The start date of the selected invoice period.
Invoice Number - The invoice number generated for the invoice. This will be automatically generated from:
- The Invoice Prefix, plus
- A sequential number which will be the higher of either:
- The Invoice Start Number specified in your Company Settings, or
- The highest invoice number which already exists in your Karmly account, plus one
Invoice To Date - The end date of the selected invoice period.
Placement placeholders draw information from the fields on placements.
Including a placement-based placeholder in the invoice header or footer will mean the client will receive separate invoices for each unique value, or including them in the invoice lines will produce separate invoice lines for each unique value. See the 'Splitting Invoices & Invoice Lines' section further up this article for more detail.
Placement Billing Contact - This placeholder will add the name of the Billing Recipient from the Placement Team. Only one name can be used, so if there's more than one Billing Recipient in the Placement Team, only the first (alphabetically) will be included.
Placement Billing Name - By default the Placement Billing Name is generally the same as the Placement Name, but can be set differently. This would commonly be the case if you use a more detailed Placement Name, and want to use the Placement Billing Name as a simpler alias to use on your invoices.
Placement Date - The date of the placement, only applicable to Credit, Permanent or Service Fee Placement Types.
Placement End Date - The end date from the placement, only applicable to Contract and Labour Hire Placement Types.
Placement Labels - Any Placement Labels added to the placement(s). These will be comma separated if there are multiple labels on the placement.
Placement Name
Placement Notes - Any notes added to the placement. Please note that if you enter multiple lines in your notes, they will appear on the invoice as a single line. To format the Notes into multiple lines on the invoice you would need to include the notation "" at the end of each line on the placement Note, as seen here:
Placement PO Number - If this placeholder is included in the Invoice Header and the Placement Reference placeholder is not present, this will flow through to the Reference field in Xero.
Placement Rate - The billing rate from the placement.
Placement Reference - If included in the Invoice Header this will flow through to the Reference field in Xero.
Placement Start Date - The end date from the placement, only applicable to Contract and Labour Hire Placement Types.
Placement Tracking Codes - These won't be visible on the invoice, but if included on the Invoice Lines then Karmly will attempt to match any Placement Labels it finds to Xero Tracking Categories. See our Xero Integration article for more details.
Resource placeholder details are drawn directly from the Resource record under Manage > People.
Including a resource-based placeholder in the invoice header or footer will mean the client will receive separate invoices for each unique value, or including them in the invoice lines will produce separate invoice lines for each unique value. See the 'Splitting Invoices & Invoice Lines' section further up this article for more detail.
Resource Email
Resource First Name
Resource Last Name
Resource Name - The Display Name of the resource.
Resource Trading Name
Time placeholders draw their information from the time entries included in the invoice.
Account Code - This is set on the Work that the time is recorded against, and will flow through to Xero invoices if set correctly. You don't need to include the Account Code placeholder in invoices for the Account Code to apply - this placeholder only needs to be used if you wish to display the account code on the invoice lines. This placeholder can only be used on invoice lines, and can't be used on the page header, invoice header or footer of the invoice template.
Week Ending - The end date of the week the time is recorded in, formatted YYYY/MM/DD. If the invoice spans multiple weeks this will generate one invoice line per week. This placeholder can only be used on invoice lines, and can't be used on the page header, invoice header or footer of the invoice template.
Work Display Name - The Display Name from the Work the time was recorded against.
Work Name - The name of the Work the time was recorded against. It's more common to use the Work Display Name on invoices, as that's what approvers will see when approving time.
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