Release date: 27/05/2018
What’s new:
- JobAdder Billing Contact Load: We are now bringing through a Billing Recipient if one is specified on the JobAdder placement. You can find full details of how this works here.
- New Insights Table: The Client table has now been added under Insights > My Reports, allowing you to build reports of client details and any charges that haven't yet been approved or invoiced. You can find more info on what tables are available in My Reports here.
- Admin user can now view past support queries: Administrators can now review their past support enquiries from the My Requests button under Support in the top right of the app.
- Notifications of Release Notes: Receive pre-dated release notes by following the release notes category in our support centre.
- Upvoting Feature requests: We now have a Trello board dedicated to Customer Feature requests. You can request features through our support email and upvote feature cards on Trello here.
- Candidate Login: Improved candidate login flow for second time and repeat login from initial Invoxy invite request.
- FlexiTime employee linking: Only one employee record can be linked in FlexiTime to avoid duplication.
- Invoice PDF generator: Better error handling regarding creating and sending invoices.
- Improved FlexiTime-Invoxy sync rules: Syncing with FlexiTime from the Integrations screen now ignores finished Employees
- Combine Time and Unit tables: How hourly vs daily entries are handled in the database has been modified to facilitate speed improvements and better reporting.
- JobAdder Disconnect: Invoxy will now only disconnect if we receive a 401 response instead of just an error refreshing the token access.
- Duration fields in Insights: A fix to display unit segments on Time reports.
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