The Manage > People screen shows all Resources, Consultants and Contacts in your Karmly account.
From this screen, you can edit any existing people or add new people by clicking the green Add Person button. The Role you apply for each person will determine the settings you can apply and what they'll be able to access if you invite them to Karmly.
You can learn more about the different settings for each of the Karmly Roles here.
Searching & Filtering People
You can search for People in your account using the search bar in the top right. As you begin to type, Karmly will offer suggestions of available filters that match your search. You can click a filter from the suggestions to search for people who match that exact criteria:
Alternatively, you can enter your preferred search term and press Enter to return all results matching that keyword. You can search using multiple terms or filters. Each term is an additional condition, so if you add a filter for the Approver role and the term 'carol' it will find people who are both an Approver and whose name contains 'carol'.
Any search terms you apply will find matches using the Name, Email and Role fields.
Search terms can be cleared by clicking on the Clear All link or individual terms can be cleared by clicking on the x beside the term.
In the options menu to the right of the search bar, two additional filters allow you to show only people who are associated with Active placements (an active placement means the start and end dates fall in or span the current month), or only people who have active or pending access to your account.
People Icons
The list of people shows a number of different icons and labels representing different states for a person:
Linked to an employee record in PayHero Payroll |
Linked to an employee record in KeyPay Payroll |
Linked to a candidate record in JobAdder |
Linked to a candidate record in Bullhorn |
Linked to an employee in Xero Payroll |
Has user access to Karmly |
Has been invited to Karmly but hasn't yet accepted the invite |
The invitation to Karmly has expired; you'll need to issue a new invite |
Can approve timesheets for placements they are a member of the team | |
Person has user details changes or onboarding awaiting approval |
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