If your Karmly account is integrated with PayHero Payroll, candidates will have access to two PayHero tabs when logged into Karmly, in addition to the standard Time tab. Both of these tabs are fully PayHero integrated, and will show details from the integrated PayHero account.
The Leave tab will be visible to any candidates who aren't Businesses and provides all the information needed to understand leave and holiday entitlements.
The Holiday Leave balances displayed are:
Current Due - The balance of leave currently due. Leave becomes due when you cross your employment anniversary each year, and the current due balance is the remaining balance of any leave that has become due.
Estimated Leave in Advance - The estimated leave in advance balance provides an estimate of how much leave you would be entitled to since your last anniversary. This is based on how far through you are in the entitlement year and your current work pattern. Many employers are happy for their employees to take this type of leave in advance of it becoming due, but check with your employer if you're unsure of their leave in advance policy.
Click the info icon to view full details for each Holiday Leave balance:
The days and hours per week will be specified by an administrator in PayHero, or if not specified will be automatically calculated based your recent Review Period. In the example above, the Review Period of 8 weeks has been used to calculate the candidate's average days and hours per week.
The Other Leave balances displayed are:
Sick - Sick leave becomes due 6 months after your employment start date, and yearly from that date on. The sick leave balance is your current entitlement to sick leave.
Alternative - Your current balance of alternative days (also known as lieu days). These are generally accrued if you work on a public holiday, depending on your work pattern at that time, although you may have an agreement with your employer to accrue alternative days for other types of work as well.
Requesting Leave
On the yearly calendar, you can view and submit your Leave Requests. To request leave click on the first date of your leave request, then click on the last date of your leave request.
You can then select the Leave Type, ensure the Start and End date are correct, and add Notes about the leave if desired. Click Request and the leave will be submitted for a Manager or Administrator to approve.
When the request has been approved or declined, you'll receive an email confirmation. You can also click on a request to review the details, including the status of the request.
The Payslips tab gives employees quick and easy access to their pay history where they can view their most recent pay details, the last 12 months of earnings as well as a breakdown of their pay history by pay period.
The most recent pay is shown at the top of the payslips screen, showing an overview of the earnings, deductions, and take home pay. You can click on the pay to view a full payslip (or BCTI, for contractors setup appropriately) for the pay.
Last 12 Months
The Last 12 Months section provides a summary of your last 12 months of work hours and income.
The Earnings is your total gross earnings for the period, and the Averages show your average hours per day, average hourly rate, and average daily rate.
The graph below the stats shows the number of hours recorded against different types of work for each month - this is based on the time that has been sent to PayHero, and the Work specified in PayHero. You can hover your mouse over each month for more detail.
Pay History
Finally, you can see a full list of your previous pays.
You can click into a pay to view the full payslip for that pay, provided it was a pay processed in PayHero. Any pays processed in previous payroll systems will have a black date and no Take Home Pay - contact your payroll administrator if you require further details on those pays.
When viewing a single payslip you can also click the Download Payslip button in the top right to download a PDF copy of the payslip.
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