Once you've successfully integrated with Employment Hero and time has been entered in Karmly you're ready to process a pay run.
Add New Employees to Schedule
When you navigate to the Pay Summary page you'll see any resources (excluding self-employed contractors set up in Karmly as a business) who have not yet been added to a Pay Schedule. Using the Add to Pay Schedule button you can sync them to Employment Hero with the Pay Schedule of your choosing.
When sending a resource to Employment Hero, Karmly will attempt to link them to an existing employee in Employment Hero by finding a matching First and Last Name. If a match is not found Karmly will create a new record for them.
Edit New Employees in Employment Hero
Your resources will require some review in Employment Hero to be ready for payroll. New employees will show as Incomplete in Employment Hero and you'll need to complete their setup before you're able to proceed.
When you're happy with your employee setup in Employment Hero you're ready to review your resources' time in Karmly .
If you need to change an existing resource's Pay Schedule you'll need to update their employee record in Employment Hero. Once you have made the change in Employment Hero you'll need to return to Karmly and sync the candidate (see the bottom of this article for how to sync an individual candidate, or you can sync all candidates from the Integrations page).
When you return to the Pay Summary Screen the resource's Pay Schedule will be updated.
Create and Send a Pay
On the Pay Summary screen, resources are grouped by Pay Schedule, allowing you to easily pay the correct employees in one go.
When you select a Pay Schedule the period displayed will default to your current pay period, based on the last pay dates for that Schedule in your Employment Hero account. The other Period options available are:
Overdue - will include all Approved time that hasn’t yet been paid, which falls before the Current Pay period. If you wish to include the overdue amounts in the current pay, you can then adjust the end date of the Period to match the end of the current pay.
Custom - will include all Approved payable time in a custom date range.
Changing the period will update the totals for each resource (Unapproved Time, Payable Time and Total Payable), allowing you to see exactly what time will be included in this pay.
Once you have selected a Pay Schedule and adjusted the period if desired, you're ready to create the pay run.
Clicking the green New Pay Run button will direct you to the New Pay Run screen where you can do a final review of the details for this pay.
From this screen you can adjust the period and Pay Date, but not the Pay Schedule. If you need to change the Pay Schedule you'll need to return to the Pay Summary screen. When all the details are to your liking you can create the pay by clicking the green Create Draft Pay button.
Your pay will appear in the Payments screen ready for you to send it to Employment Hero.
This pay can be sent to Employment Hero by clicking the green Send to Employment Hero button at the bottom of the pay, or by ticking the pay and selecting Send from the option menu in the top right corner.
If your pay is not successfully sent to Employment Hero it will remain in the Drafts tab with a green dot detailing any errors Karmly received from Employment Hero. When you have corrected any errors that prevented the pay from sending you can send it again following the same process.
Once your pay has been successfully sent to Employment Hero it will appear in the Sent tab grouped by pay date.
Your pay is now available in Employment Hero. Full support material for Employment Hero can be found here.
Sending Updates to Existing Resources
If you have updated your candidate details in Karmly and wish to sync those to Employment Hero, you can select Sync to Employment Hero from the options menu on the resource to send those updates through.
If the candidate's Pay Schedule has been updated in Employment Hero that change will also sync back to Karmly.
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