Once you've accepted an invite to use Karmly you'll be able to record your time and request approval.
For details on how to accept your invite, login, or use the mobile version of Karmly, see these articles:
Record Hours
Click and drag your mouse over the times on the day you wish you create a time entry for.
In the pop-up that appears, select the correct Placement and Work, add any break times and adjust any details as needed before selecting Save.
Alternatively, instead of clicking and dragging on the timesheet you can click the in the top right (or bottom left) of the screen, select the appropriate placement, and then select the work.
You'll then be able to edit the time and date details in the pop-up that appears.
Record Days, Expenses, or Units
For days, expenses, or units you can simply click the in the top right or bottom left of your screen. Select the placement and the work you wish to record against.
In the pop-up that appears, select the date and set the Quantity of days or units, or value of Expenses. Then click Save.
Work Summary
At the bottom of your timesheets, you'll see the Work Summary, which provides an overview of all time and unit entries for the week.
You can also add and edit your entries by typing in the cells available in the Work Summary.
Hours - Adding hours to an empty day will create a time entry based on your Default Start Time. You can set your Default Start Time in your Personal details tab. Adjusting hours on a day that already has a time entry will adjust the existing time entry. For example, changing 8 hours to 7 hours will change the end time of your time entry to be 1 hour earlier.
Days, Expenses & Units - Type the total Quantity in an empty cell to create a new entry for the day. If you've already recorded days, expenses or units for the day you can type in the cell to adjust the total Quantity recorded.
If you've already recorded more than one entry against a Work on a day the cell will be greyed out and you won't be able to edit the quantities from the cells. Instead, you can click on the cell or click the down arrow beside the day to view the Daily Summary where you can click through to edit or remove individual entries as required.
Delete Time
Click on the time entry you wish to delete and select the Delete button on the bottom left corner of the pop up that appears.
Alternatively, you can click the down arrow for the day in the Work Summary to view the Daily Summary, showing a list of all entries for the day. Then click the x to delete the entry.
Copy Previous Week
If you would like to copy your time entries from the previous week into the week you're currently viewing, click the options box in the top right corner of your screen and select Copy Previous Week.
Your entries will all appear as per the recorded time and units from the previous week.
Request Approval
Once you've finished recording your time for the current period, click the blue Request Approval button in the top right. You'll be prompted to review the entries that will be included in the request - this will include all time and entries that you've entered but haven't yet requested approval for.
If you're happy with the time, click Send Request and the request will be sent to your approver(s) for approval.
The time will display a yellow Pending Approval label when the time has been sent to your approver, which will become a green Approved label once they've approved your request. You can hover your mouse over the label to check what it means.
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