Charts are a type of custom report you can create in the My Reports area of Karmly.
To add a new report go to Insights > My Reports and click Add Report.
Chart Settings
When creating a chart report, you'll need to name the report and complete the following options:
Type - specify the type of chart you'd like to produce. Options available are Bar chart, Horizontal Bar chart, Line graph, or Pie graph.
Table - choose where in Karmly the data will be coming from. The table options available can be found: My Reports - Glossary
Measure (Y) - select the numerical value that the chart will be measuring - these are things like hours and costs, and will be represented on the vertical Y-axis of the graph.
Aggregate - select how the measure should be aggregated - this can be as a Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, or Count of each instance.
Category (X) - set the category that you're wanting to measure. Categories are fixed data points, like names and dates, and will be the labels on the horizontal X-axis of the graph.
Series (optional) - if you'd like to divide the category into a sub-category you can select the series. For example, your category might be Client and you might like each client broken down by Placement, which would then be the Series.
If you select a Series you'll also have the option to tick 'Show Legend' if you want a list of values (note that you can hover over any area of the graph to see the details in a pop up, so the legend may not be required). For Bar type graphs you'll also have the option to 'Stack Series', so that the series is stacked on a single bar for each Category rather than each item in the series having its own bar.
Filters Settings
Under the Filters tab you can click Add Filter to filter your report to limit the results to certain criteria - for example, you might want a report for a specific candidate over a certain date range.
You can set each filter to be based on:
Value - e.g. placement name, client, a single date, etc
For values, simply select the Field you wish to filter by. Then select the Value you want included in the report and click Add Value. You can add multiple Values to a single filter. Click Save Filter when you're done
Range - usually most applicable to dates and values, but can also be applied to get all placements or people from A-M, for example.
For ranges, select the Field you you wish to filter by, then select the From value and the To value and click Save Filter.
Dynamic - dynamic ranges allow you to set a non-fixed date range, so that the data in the report updates automatically to fit the parameters you specify. For example, a dynamic range could show the last X weeks, next Y months, or the current month.
For dynamic ranges, select the Field you wish to filter by and the Type of dynamic range you'd like. If you select Custom, you'll also need to set the parameters. The Custom options available allow you to set the Last or Next number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Year.
Once you've applied all of the columns and filters you need for your report, click the blue refresh button to reload with your settings applied.
You're then able to select Save if you'd like to save the report to your My Reports dashboard.
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