Release due the weekend ending 30/06/2019
Welcome to Invoxy 2.0!
What's New?
- Expenses and Units - When setting up Work in Invoxy you now have the option to set Units for the Work. This can be Hours | Days for standard entries, or set it to Expense for entering ad-hoc expenses, or Other to setup a custom unit type (e.g. Kilometres, Boxes). Learn more here.
- Start and End Times on all Hours - Hours recorded in bulk (either from the Timesheets page by an administrator or consultant, or from the bottom of the Resource timesheet view) will now be recorded as a time entry with start and end times. Click and drag on the time entry to adjust as needed.
- Default Start Time - You can now set the Default Start Time for each Resource on their record under Manage > People. Candidates can also set their own Default Start Time in their Personal details tab. Time entries recorded in Invoxy will default accordingly, but can still be easily adjusted as needed.
- Hide Time for Clients - The Hide Time for Clients tickbox on each Resource will hide the Start and End times on approval requests and in invoices. This option can be used for candidates whose time is bulk entered, where the Default Start times recorded may not accurately represent the candidates actual hours of work.
- Approval Requests - The Approval Requests screen in Invoxy now shows placement details and approvers are shown as icons.
- View Request Details - From the Approval Requests screen you can now click View Request Details to view a summary of the timesheets & details related to the request.
- Approval Requests Bulk Actions - There is now an options menu in the top right of the Pending Approval Requests screen for easy management of requests. Simply tick the requests you wish to action and from the Options menu you can Resend Approval Requests for outstanding requests, Send Message to approvers, Approve requests, or Delete requests.
- Work Name Placeholder - The Work Name placeholder is now available for use in the Invoice Header of your Invoice Templates. Including the Work Name placeholder in your Invoice Header will result in one invoice per Work Name being generated.
- Pay Summary & Invoice Summary - Under Pay & Invoices the totals for each resource/client are now set to show Unapproved and Payable/Billable. These figures are easier to read at a glance and quickly see what's outstanding, enabling you to use these screens for keeping on top of your invoicing and payments.
- Week Summary Filters - The Paid & Invoiced filters have been removed from the Week Summary screen. These filters date back to prior to the introduction of the Pay Summary & Invoice Summary screen, which is where payment and invoicing should now be managed. A new filter for filtering to different types of units has been introduced, filtering by Client has been removed, and filters have all been moved into the Week Summary heading bar.
These changes all reflect the focus of the Week Summary - chasing time and approvals. - Commas on PDF Invoices - PDF invoices from Invoxy will now include commas in figures $1,000 and over.
- Additional European Currency & Tax Rates - Currency symbols and tax rates have now been added for the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
- Client Contact Week Summary - Fixed a bug resulting in time entries showing on consecutive days for Contacts who logged into Invoxy.
- Inverse Filters - Fixed an error preventing the Inverse Filter checkbox from working as expected.
- Clearing Fields - Fixed a bug preventing some fields from being cleared.
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